Trust Wealth, Bitfarmfxt, Velmolt and Tradeworth Scams

Trust-Wealth, Bitfarmfxt Investments, Velmolt & Trade-Worth Scams

Please be aware that you will lose your money if you do put yourself into this Trust Wealth  trading plan. They promise the world though will steal your money. The way it works is this:

  • You will be referred to via a somebody who is getting results or from social media links.
  • Once you deposit money in, the support is excellent, replies in less than 10 minutes and the profits returns come every week successfully.
  • They will even give you support groups they run of successful traders though they are fake and disappear.
  • Once you receive about 4 weeks of profit you can see the benefits of putting more money in and you do.
  • Then you receive couple of weeks profit and then all support and profits  stop.
  • The support stops, the profits stop and there is no way you can extract your guaranteed capital back.
  • They then setup another website with the same platform and start again.
The current site operational is:
Previous sites no longer are:

 I will continue a public service and will continually search for their platform on the web and add it here to know not to touch this people.

Don't be fooled by the offers below:

Email Sent To Investors

You will find an email trying to extract more money from investors on the recent Cyrpto crash, dated 13th January 2022. 

They do promise to still pay profit though that has not been the case. 

They do promise capital protection though to date after many request have not be provided.